+919381842881 +16162191040 contact@onlinetaxfiler.com
  • 340 S lemon ave, walnut, CA 91789
  • 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM CST,
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Refer A Friend

Benefits of referring your friends to Online Tax Filer

Number of Successful Referees Amount of Bonus
1 - 10 Referrals $15 per each successful referee
10 - 20 Referrals $30 per each successful referee
More Than 20 Referrals $50 per successful referee


The referral bonus will be offered only upon receipt of payment from the referee

The customer has a right to redeem the referral bonus at any time if the referral bonus reaches to $200

The total Referral Bonus amount will get accumulated and be transferred to the bank account after 15th April only

All payments under the referral program including dispatch of gifts items under the Top three referral plan shall made after april 30, 2025

The minimum referral per individual must be more than five to participate in top three referral program

All precautions shall be taken to conduct the referral program fair and transparent but in case any dispute, the decision of Online Tax Filer shall be final and cannot be challenged

Please login to your account and provide the information of the person/s who you would like to refer to OnlineTaxFiler®.

If you are not registered yet with OnlineTaxFiler, then please Register and start referring the friends. This will help you track the status of your friends in real time.